Environmental studies show that soil compaction is the leading cause of tree death, and construction projects are the most common reason soil compaction occurs. Construction companies use heavy machinery on the soil and create damaged tree feeder roots. The Risk of Soil CompactionFor healthy tree roots, the soil must offer the trees at least 50% pore space, and the area must have adequate water and air for the trees. During construction, workers move heavy equipment and walk around on the soil. Trunk or Limb DamageConstruction projects in Chilliwack, BC, could lead to permanent tree damage. If the workers aren't careful, the tree trunk or limbs become damaged due to sudden impacts. Even the most minor injuries provide access points for decay and fungi. With a tree expert, the new homeowner has proper protection against these issues and stops heavy equipment-related problems. Digging and Trenching DamageTree roots expand throughout the yard, and the length of the roots equates to three times the height of each tree. By hiring a tree expert, the service provider can measure the length of the roots and create a protective barrier around the roots. By staking off the area around the roots, the contractors stay off the roots. The Effects of Trees and ShrubsA professional arborist knows when to relocate trees and bushes. In landscaping, shrubs and other trees surround the design, but if there are too many plants together, the trees won't thrive. On the other hand, some trees don't have wind and sun protection if there aren't surrounding plants. How Soil Grading Affects the RootsThe construction contractors shouldn't grade the soil where there are trees. The changes in the soil expose the roots and could cause a variety of damage. A tree expert presents alternative options in these areas to protect the tree and avoid disturbing the soil. How Pre-Planning With a Tree Expert HelpsChilliwack Tree Services can review the landscaping layout and the new construction project. Instead of letting the construction crew take complete control, the tree expert can create methods for protecting the trees first, outline new walking paths for the team, and add barriers around problem areas. Excellent Practices for Tree PreservationThe service provider hires a tree expert to create a sound tree preservation plan. The first task is to set up zones based on where the trees are on the lot to keep workers away from the plants. New home buyers can get a tree preservation plan with their builder contract. Comments are closed.